European Pillar of Social Rights
Interinstitutionele proclamatie
gepubliceerd: zaterdag, 18 november 2017
COMECE en CEC hebben de interinstitutionele proclamatie van de European Pillar of Social Rights verwelkomd. Deze werd op 17 november ondertekend op de Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth die plaatsvond in Göteborg, Zweden.
De COMECE en CEC beschouwen deze proclamatie als een essentieele stap naar een Europese Sociale Markt Economie. Dit document kwam onder meer aan de orde in mei 2012 op de CSLK studiedag over 'Ondernemen en Christelijke Ethiek'. Genoemd document is opgenomen in de publicatie met de lezingen van die studiedag.
Bron: COMECE Press
COMECE and CEC consider the European Pillar of Social Rights as a vital and
further step towards the European Social Market Economy, therefore we
welcome the high-level consensus set by the joint proclamation of the
Parliament, the Council and the Commission.
We encourage the European Union and its Member States to translate the
document into concrete actions, involving all partners – including Church-
and faith-based organisations - in order to create a deeper and more fair
internal market, for a more social Europe and for the benefit of all people
in the EU.
COMECE and CEC believe that the persistent economic and social inequality,
as well as the transformative changes taking place in the world of work, can
be faced only through a European joint effort that is not only formal, but
concrete and tangible, driven by the principles of justice and solidarity.
As highlighted by Pope Francis during COMECE-organised dialogue
(Re)Thinking Europe, «a European Union that, in facing crises, fails to
recover a sense of being a single community that sustains and assists its
members […], would miss out not only on one of the greatest challenge of
its history, but also on one of the greatest opportunities for its own
Together, COMECE and CEC, invite all actors involved to commit in a dialogue
with Churches and church- and faith-based organisations, whose experience of
everyday social work will contribute to the success of the initiative and to
restore citizens’ trust and belief in the European project.