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Paus Franciscus en het internationale klimaatbeleid

Withdrawal of the USA from the global climate agreement.

gepubliceerd: vrijdag, 22 juni 2018

Laudato Si' is a do­cu­ment that is both dramatic and hopeful. Dramatic because it leaves the rea­der in no doubt that the prevailing global system, with its reckless ex­ploi­tation of natural resources and dan­gerous climate change, is hea­ding for catastrophe. Hopeful because the Pope does not consi­der this dynamic to be inevitable, but instead indicates ways to alter our course and opportunities for transformation. In this context, he speaks of a “bold cultural revolution” (LS 114). This is closely connected to his concept of an “in­te­gral ecology” and an “ecological conversion”. He calls for another way of loo­king at things, “a way of thin­king, policies, an educational programme, a lifestyle and a spirituality which together generate resistance to the assault of the technocratic para­digm.” (LS 111)
Historic changes begin with ideas. This is also highlighted by the new report to the Club of Rome, which calls for a “new philosophy” and a “new Enlighten­ment”. The ecological crisis is both a social crisis and a crisis of values. What is the value of living? What gives life substance and mea­ning? Ultima­tely, this is a matter of the truth of one of the key verses of the Gospel: “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36). Unbounded pursuit of profit in the context of unbridled capitalism destroys both the environ­ment and people’s souls. We need to rediscover some simple truths: sha­ring enriches. Being human means acting altruistically for others. The humanity of a society is judged by its behaviour towards its weakest members.
With Laudato Si, Pope Francis has succeeded in trig­gering an extensive dialogue between the political and business worlds and civil society. The broad resonance of the Encyclical is also due to the fact that it is not limited to describing po­ten­tial disaster scenarios, but shows specific courses of action. The next important step for the Church will be the Pan-Amazonian Synod in the autumn of 2019, the theme of which will be “Amazonia – new pathways for the Church and an in­te­gral ecology”. The next major UN climate change conference (COP 24) will be held in December 2018 in the Polish city of Katowice, and matters under consi­deration will include ensu­ring that the CO2 reductions promised by each state are comparable with one another and using this as a basis for obtai­ning further climate protection commit­ments. Progress must also be made on the fi­nan­cial commit­ments of industrialised nations to support poorer countries against the consequences of climate change.

Bron: http://www.europe-infos.eu/pope-francis-and-inter­na­tio­nal-climate-policy?ts=1529694803